Asphalt Maintenance

Asphalt Maintenance

Protect your asphalt with continuous maintenance. Avoid turning your steering while back and forth when the car is not moving during hot summer weather.

Water damage and excessive weight on the pavement can result in cracks. Use a crack filler to seal and easily repair cracks. Cracks that go unsealed will allow water into the base causing more damage to the pavement. It is best to inspect your pavement for cracks annually.

Sealing your driveway with a quality seal coat will help protect your blacktop from oxidation and fluid spills. For continued maintenance, you can have your driveway sealed every four (4) to five (5) years.

Asphalt Maintenance

Pot Holes

Schedule an appointment today

Got damaged pavement, such as potholes, catch basins, tree root invasion, drainage problems and other asphalt maintenance issues? We can help you with these repairs and asphalt sealing. No matter the size of your project, contact Pioneer Paving at 604.533.5253 (Langley) or 604.854.5288 (Abbotsford).